New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Slava's Snowshow in Auckland

OH MY GOODNESS Slava’s Snowshow in Auckland was incredible! I went in with no idea what to expect and I was totally blown away. On one level, it’s a clown – but there are far deeper messages…

OH MY GOODNESS Slava’s Snowshow in Auckland was incredible! I went in with no idea what to expect and I was totally blown away. On one level, it’s a tale of a clown – but there are far deeper messages.

The middle-aged Russian actor playing the lead clown faces loneliness and his demons in a series of skits that have plenty of humour and appeal to children and adults on lots of levels. I asked some ten year old children at intermission how they found it, and they said "it was quite creepy" in parts and "a bit scary" when he was shot down with arrows.

There’s no English language – it has dialogue and music as its language – and relies on facial expressions and body language to convey the tales.

I particularly liked the woman’s coat that became his lover farewelling him at a train station, when he put his right arm through the coat sleeve and caressed himself with the hand. Brilliant.

The lead clown toys with a noose, and arrows, and succumbs to a blinding snowstorm at the end – but it’s not all doom and gloom. The audience comes together with a few beautiful surprises that had faces lit up with joy and coming together to pass the spider’s web and the giant plastic balls around the theatre.

I’ve come home buzzing from the magical opening night. 10/10. If you can get tickets – go!

Tickets to Slava’s Snowshow at Aotea Centre ASB Theatre at The Edge available at here for Auckland season 10 – 14 July 2013.

Below: Thread at opening night.

Megan Robinson, 10 July 2013


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