High St Guild held drinks at Hotel DeBrett to celebrate the success and to hand over their cheque to Auckland City Mission. A whopping $28,000 was raised by the High Street Guild through their lucky store…
You may recall Thread.co.nz covered the The High St Lucky Store opening on 8 December 2010.
The City Mission charity fundraising store was a huge hit. A whopping $28,000 was raised by the High Street Guild through their lucky store.
On the 15th of February 2011, High St Guild held drinks at Hotel DeBrett to celebrate the success and to hand over their cheque to Auckland City Mission.
Diane Robertson (pictured left, with Chris Cherry) representing Auckland City Mission was very happy with the contribution and was glad to see the support they had received from High St Guild and the public.
Over the month of December the pop-up lucky draw concept store was a nice refreshing treat for shoppers. Not only were they walking away with a valuable gift but they walked away knowing they were helping those less lucky.
Congratulations to the generous and supportive High St Guild for a job well done!
Below: the Guild and Diane Robertson.
Phoebe Phibbs and Rachelle Pedersen.
Emma-Jane Stanley and Heather Gerbic of Pauanesia.
Story and photos by Natasha Arul 18 February 2011.
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