New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Tee-shirts in NZ fashion history

Ever since studing image and identity at University, I adore attending talks like this. Doris de Pont is speaking in two talks exploring the t-shirt’s place in the fashion industry at Auckland Museum in June…

Wednesday 13 June 12.30pm
Saturday 16 June 2pm
FREE in Auckland Museum Auditorium

Ever since studing image and identity at University, I adore attending talks like this.

I hugely admire Doris de Pont for her work as a fashion designer, and more recently, for her work setting up the New Zealand Fashion Museum. Now, she is speaking in two talks exploring the t-shirt’s place in the fashion industry.

We all wear them, we all own them. And we can tell who is – or is not – in our social groups from them. The tee-shirt has been a key part in fashion since James Dean pulled a white one over his head.

“In the designer fashion industry the t-shirt is one way that the aspirational becomes achievable for a wider audience,” she says. “While a dress from a designer collection may be beyond the average budget, the t-shirt with the same print is not”.

Doris de Pont sees the humble tee-shirt as "a truly democratic garment. It can be worn by anyone regardless of gender, income or social group. It can be worn at any time of the day or night, under a formal jacket or on the sports field."

And despite it being rather side-stepped by academics and museums, she is bringing it into the limelight. Come hear all about it. And wear your favourite tee-shirt!

Megan Robinson
6 June 2012


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