New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Backing Jack

Wellington businessman extraordinaire Jack Yan is adding yet another string to his brightly feathered bow – running for Wellington Mayor 2010 in a campaign called “Back Jack 2010.” On Thursday 15th April his fundraiser campaign kicked off…

Back Jack 2010 Fundraiser

Wellington businessman extraordinaire Jack Yan is adding yet another string to his brightly feathered bow – running for Wellington Mayor 2010 in a campaign called “Back Jack 2010.”

On Thursday 15th April his fundraiser campaign kicked off at Soi Bar benefitting the Back Jack 2010 mayoral campaign and the Life Flight Trust with a mini-fashion show, a silent auction, celebrity cocktails, and food from Soi, with fashion from Starfish, Sophie Burrowes, Voon, and Ashley Fogel.

Below: Whitney wearing a black dress by Sophie Burrowes.

It’s no surprise that the guest list was a varied and friendly crowd. Jack is known for approachability – something he intends to capitalise on if elected, by promoting transparency in government; webcasting and blogging meetings where applicable; injecting a much needed public inclusiveness and modernization into Wellington. This openness means people are heard, so what better incentive to support a bid for mayor? And judging by the numbers on the night, others agreed.

Below: Brent Wong, co-owner of Soi, trains Kelly and Hannah on cocktails.

MC Helen Baxter of Mohawk Media.

Jack Yan talks to Groove 107·7 FM’s Dean Conland and his partner Pamela.

Whitney in Starfish.

Samantha in Voon.

Whitney in Ashley Fogel.

Creative thinkers make this city tick as well as business heads and Jack, himself a prominent business owner, is mindful of that. With most voters over 65, he is keen to mobilise younger minds along with older, listening and working toward a city becoming even more accessible to and for the rest of the world.

Among his goals for Wellington are free Wifi to better connect businesses, growing those clusters of business for strong economy and supporting the environment to do this in an ethical and archetypical way. These are but one of the dynamic innovative ways of thinking which he hopes can attain and retain our future, along with better efficient public transport rather than just more networks (which has a major impact on environment and economy) and other issues.

Wellington needs a progressive thinking mayor as we sit here on the cusp of an unpopular Wellywood sign, a mayor that doesn’t fall asleep at the countless social engagements they must attend (naming no names). Jack is alert, raring to go, and a great wit as well. Plus he listens.

Jack’s speech, with the backdrop of airport lights twinkling on calm waters said it all; this city is not always blowing in the wind. Not if Jack’s behind the controls anyway.

Sophie Burrowes (right) with the successful bidder for her dress on the night.

Model Samantha Young.

Jennifer and Mike from Vertigo, the musicians for the evening.

To back Jack, you can:
Join his campaign online at
Facebook him on “Back Jack 2010”
Tweet him at @jackyan,
Email him at
Or simply ring (04) 387-3213.

By Sally Christie, 19 April 2010.
Intro photo of Samantha Hannah and Jack Yan from snapstar.
All other photographs by Brigitte Unger/Lucire.


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