Martha’s Pantry and Arthurs are keeping things moving in Upper Cuba Street in Wellington. Go to Arthurs for a Sunday lunch of roast and then head across to Martha’s Pantry for tea and a sweet treat…
Martha’s Pantry and Arthurs are keeping things moving in Upper Cuba Street Wellington.
Martha’s Pantry is a gorgeous tea house which stocks lots of goodies including fairy cakes, scones, small sandwiches and lots of jam pink sweet treats. A good place for a birthday or wee treat for the lady you know who has everything.
High teas are available featuring three tiered cake stands and bone china at $25 per head.
Love the hand knitted tea cosies.
My short black was delivered in the most beautiful turquoise vintage cup and saucer with a dinky wee spoon. Staff are sweethearts and happy to let customers relax and use the cute tearooms for parties, meetings and of course afternoon tea. The head cook was also happy to share her cooking hints.
The sun floods through in winter and you can watch the pretty staff dance around the oven in their cute aprons.
MARTHA’S PANTRY – 276 Upper Cuba Street (look hard as it’s slightly off the beaten track)
Across the road from Martha’s Pantry is her brother, Arthurs. From the footpath it looks like a small front room in an Edwardian house but on entering you emerge into a sunny courtyard or venture upstairs into separate dining rooms.
Décor reflects a Horse and Hound magazine. Interiors include tartan, hunting accessories and retro pictures of dogs and colonial replicas. Dinner is served on some of the favourite Crown Lynn plates our grandmothers had.
Pork crackling, bubble and squeak, fish fingers and homestyle food is on the menu. Puddings include Pav. Go to Arthurs for a Sunday lunch of roast and then head across to Martha’s Pantry for tea and a sweet treat.
Both eateries are family businesses, so if you get the chance to say hello do so to sisters Ondine and Anita or their lovely mother Mary and you will be greeted with charm and some of the best hospitality in town.
ARTHURS – 272 Upper Cuba Street
Words and photos Cyndi Greep
12 June 2012
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