New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Just say NO

I would love to blame it on a whole host of other things (this is beginning to seem like a bit of a pattern here) – but it was all me. I have come to realise just how much we do with food at the centre. We catch up for friends for dinner…

Anya is journaling her journey in weightloss. Read part one here and part two here. Part three is below…

Not really keen to write this week’s missive on weight loss. Especially since I didn’t have any – weight loss that is.

After my fabulous first week on Jenny Craig (and weight loss) I think I was feeling just a little too pleased with myself – and the whole ‘man this is easy’ thing. To my great regret… I GAINED 100g.

I would love to blame it on a whole host of other things (this is beginning to seem like a bit of a pattern here) – but it was all me. I have come to realise just how much we do with food at the centre. We catch up for friends for dinner, work meetings are taken over lunch and even a cup of tea with a mate isn’t safe. I went to Choysa’s release of their new Kiwi Breakfast Tea the other day and heard that most people EXPECT a little something with their cup of tea – add all those lunches, dinner and wee cups of teas together – and you are fighting a losing battle.

In the course of my job I get to hang out and get fed and watered quite often too. Sigh. So I am going to have to start using a word that doesn’t come easy to me at the best of times, especially where food is concerned – No.

I am going to have to learn that a cup of tea can just be that – a cuppa. I have learnt also to have it with no sugar (and I am a two teaspoon kind of gal) and a splash of milk. My husband used to joke that I had a bit of tea with my milk and sugar – but no longer…

Dinners will be moved to our place where I have better control of what I am eating. And meetings can just be that – meetings sans the added calories. I have one blot on the landscape looming (well two actually if you count Fashion Week which is just finger food and bubbly thrown at you left right and centre). My daughter and I have a ritual visit together to see whatever is the newest Harry Potter movie. We are off to see the eighth and final film at the end of this week. We usually go and have loads of junk food (which I normally never allow her to do) and then go out for dinner afterwards. How do I make sure it is still fun for her, and yet not waist expandingly bad for me? And not lose too much of our family tradition in the process? I will let you know next time when I post in a few weeks (you may be getting a bit sick of my ramblings by now on said subject).

No. No. No. Just practising…

By Anya Brighouse 18 July 2011


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