New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Stella Star

Harriet Fenwick of Trevino Restaurant and Bar in Christchurch was announced winner of the New Zealand Stella Artois World Draught Masters and will be heading to London to represent New Zealand in the World Championships in October…

Stella in some languages means star and that’s exactly what Harriet Fenwick is after proving to be NZ’s best at beer pouring.

Harriet from Trevino Restaurant and Bar in Christchurch was announced winner of the New Zealand Stella Artois World Draught Masters Competition held at Number 1 Queen Street of 10th September 2010.

Beaming with excitement and an obvious twinkle in her eye, Harriet will be heading to London to represent New Zealand in the World Championships in October.

There are nine steps involved when pouring a good Stella which must all to be mastered when pouring the perfect brew, and pictured below we have Harriet showing us how it’s done.

One step includes picking a glass and here Harriet picks her glass with love and pride, pictured with the organiser of the superb event, Keir Robertson from Madant Productions.

A proud David Pearce Brand Manager of Lion Nathan with Harriet holding the prize.

The event was held in the Downtown Courtyard at 1 Queen Street and everyone was enjoying a cold one poured by contestants and even guests who had a go.

Congratulations Harriet Fenwick, may you make NZ proud by taking out the World Champ Title!

Story and photos, Sally Peters, 15 September 2010.


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