To emphasize their slogan that "The best colour only happens in salons", professional haircolour company Goldwell is giving ten NZ women a year’s worth of colour services at a Goldwell professional salon, a prize worth $1,500 each…
To emphasize their slogan that "The best colour only happens in salons", professional haircolour company Goldwell is giving ten NZ women a year’s worth of colour services at a Goldwell professional salon, a prize worth $1,500 each.
Goldwell considers home colouring from asupermarket box to be a precarious path of DIY at the expense of right colour choice, condition and overall look.
They maintain that the best hair colour happens at a professional salon, due to experience, advice, the professional application and results.
Not so from a bottle purchased at the supermarket. What looked good on the packet, may turn to disaster on the hair at home and often needs urgent rescue at a painful cost, by a professional in the salon.
“It makes sense to see a professional colourist who can deliver the right shade to bring out the best in your looks and personality. The best colour only happens in a salon. Goldwell provides the latest in research and development in hair color products and techniques, with a huge choice of shades that also leaves your hair in great condition” says Chad Gray, a Goldwell New Zealand senior colourist and artistic director of Atelier Hair.
Goldwell is so convinced that the best results only happen in a salon from a trained professional, that they’re offering 10 women the chance to one year of free hair colour services. To enter, visit a participating Goldwell salon anytime between 1 May 2011 and 30 August 2011 to try a Goldwell colour service and you will automatically go into the draw to win one of the 10 colour services valued at $1,500 each.
To win this year long experience, call 0800 567 465 to find the nearest Goldwell salon. Find Goldwell on Facebook/GoldwellNZ
26 April 2011.
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