New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Getting lippy

I’ve always had a thing for red-lipsticked women. Youthful or irreverently grey, these girls display such sang-froid. You can spy these women from a mile away, a spectacle so intense in self-assurance and delight…

I’ve always had a thing for red-lipsticked women.

Youthful or irreverently grey, these girls display such sang-froid within their stride that eloping with such effortlessness seems an entirely reasonable proposition. You can spy these women from a mile away, a spectacle so intense in self-assurance and delight that any other activity’s intent is momentarily immobilized.

It’s only when that vision of exuberant confidence nears you on the footpath and acquires identifiable features that you can distinguish what exactly is the secret. Charisma, you comprehend, in one of those mortifying moments where your egg-stained sweater becomes ever-more apparent, is really an essentially simple matter.

It’s a matter, fundamentally, that involves lipstick.

No doubt you can see where this is going. I, quite unwittingly, am that egg-stained be-bloused woman who you avoid meeting on the street. I’ve spent much of my life living in glamorous cities and every attempt to join the ranks of the saturated pout has been foiled by a preference for inconspicuous attire.

While my wardrobe’s addiction to exuberant fabrics hasn’t filtered through to the actual act of wearing, my make-up bag has failed to reach any such height of evolution. The gloss, the eyeliner, and an aging concealer might dream of friends in loftier circles but, sadly, acquisition thereof has never eventuated, thus relegating the social climbing instinct into an apathetic bath bag of dismay.

How things change.

Just as I’d settled into a reluctant truce with the notion of an existence un-done (as opposed to made up), a package of Maybelline arrived in my life. With a new job on the books and a need for a look that was more considered than my usual rat-bag approach to complexion, the possibility of joining the luscious-lips brigade assumed a new shade of possibility. The pressure was on.

Maybelline New York, the darling of the affordable make-up market, has added a number of visual concoctions that might just seduce the most sceptical consumer (enter me, Exhibit A). The New York Sensational Nudes range promises an “illuminating” colour experience. This, of course, suggests an instant affinity between the consumer’s skin tone and the colours on offer.

While the Warm Latte contained a little too much shimmer for my liking (or my skin), a blending with Moccachino resulted in a delicious and complementary depth and highlight.

The product also incorporates “honey nectar, emollient waxes and Vitamin E” for that necessary moisturising effect. Finding this claim refreshing accurate, my first long day in the office required only minimal applications. One in the morning, one at noon, and a top up on the way home; not bad going for a lipstick that sets out to be a girl’s best friend, reliable and sleek at once.

Another new release from the Maybelline stable, The Shine collection pursues the current high-gloss trend with its techy combination of “micro mirror pigments”. Resulting in a very even toned lipstick that is, you guessed it, gloss central, delicate shades lend themselves effortlessly to everyday wear. Here it’s not so much a case of inconspicuous as providing that subtle finishing touch.

Needless to say, this gentle introduction to lipstick was just what I needed, blending Juicy Pink’s sweet girl next door persona (above) with Beige Rose for a hint of warmth (below).

Not to be mistaken as purely safe players in the colour game, the company has pulled out the stops on charisma with its SuperStay Lip Colour and Liner.

Running late for an exhibition, I discovered these were the ultimate go-getter articles. As I performed that classic exercise of facial modification in the rear screen mirror, my boyfriend watched amazed as my exhausted, grumpy expression was transformed by the unfamiliar addition of the scarlet pout. With a name like Keep up the Flame, expectations of the product could understandably be pretty high. Luckily, the “seamless” liner is in easy-applicator style, and the lipstick’s inclusion of both gloss and colour makes for a very customisable experience.

It goes without saying that claims for long-lasting wear don’t necessarily compete with dinner and wine but, in this case, managed to pass with dashing colours (sic) fully intact.

So, with a week’s worth of lipstick lashed on my pout, am I still an unwitting member of the egg-stained shirt contingent? Has my haplessly coveted crush on the red-lipsticked lady assumed any ounce of personal reality? It’s a tough question: my ingrained habits of gloss and eye liner are a bitter battle to tumble. However, it looks like they’ve met their match.

If Maybelline’s delivery of no-fuss products can successfully win over this lipstick virgin, the inconspicuous game has no chance at maintaining its pitch. And, if the secret to charisma is really in the make up…then why ever wouldn’t you say yes?

Words and illustrations by Willow Sharp
13 February 2012


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