New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

14 must-haves for Parachute

I’ll be at Parachute blogging during the weekend and taking photos, so look out for me. I’ll be the one with the pink nails on one hand and big black Doc Martens on, says Madeleine Brighouse…

1. Hat – take a hat for obvious reasons – or you will get burnt.

2. Sunscreen – unless you want to be bright red over the weekend I would advise wearing sunscreen at all times. The last couple of years towards the end of the weekend there were many people walking round with pink faces. Bright pink. I’m taking Oy! Organic Young SPF 15 ‘specially for your face. I’m also taking the Aveeno Continuous Protection Sunblock Spray SPF 70.

3. Insect repellent – if it’s your first time camping take insect repellent and if it isn’t STILL take it. I know the stuff usually smells bad but it will stop the mossies. I’m taking Pure Fiji lemongrass insect repellent body spray. It smells really nice. It’s the best one I’ve ever had.

4. Camera – to document your weekend, for taking silly photos with friends and just in case you see someone famous. I’m looking out for Ruby Frost and Avalanche City – fingers crossed I’ll get a photo.

5. Sunnies – you’re going to need them. For one thing, it’s going to be hot and also they always look cool.

6. Dry shampoo and conditioner – it is just perfect for in the mornings. All you do is spray in and brush out. It’s great for when there’s a line for the showers and you’re in a hurry. I use the Fudge stuff (they have a great festival pack with Salt Spray, Enz Restorer, and Dry Shampoo)

7. Nail polish – I wear brightly coloured nail polish because I don’t wear make-up – not counting a bit of lip gloss – so I’m taking my favourite pink (Cream Steamy) M.A.C polish to just paint my left hand. (I can never be bothered painting the other hand and it never looks as good as my left).

8. Raincoat – now don’t take a small cheap two dollar plastic bag one because if it’s going to rain it could just rain hard. The last two years it was really hot and then it bucketed down and people got soaked wearing plastic bag raincoats. There is a rain poncho in my Glassons Festival Survival kit and it will be good for light showers.

9. Shoes – I’m going to take my Docs and a pair of jandals just in case it rains and for when it’s hot. If you’re planning on going into the pit I would STRONGLY advise wearing covered shoes.

10. Money – spare change is always good to have where ever you go, but at Parachute it’s especially handy. There is a whole village to spend your money in. You can get food, clothes and glow sticks; pretty much anything you need. I got a great trilby hat last year.

11. Clothes – pack light but also pack for any weather. Generally make sure you have something to keep you warm in the evening, and keep you cool during the day. Don’t take stuff you can’t replace just in case it gets real dirty or you lose it. So I’m taking a cute Glassons dress and my favourite blue skirt from Supre. And shorts. Lots of shorts!

12. Face stuff – there is a long queue for the shower in the morning so try to keep your toilet bag as small as possible. I’m taking a really cute tiny Festival Survival Kit from Glassons. It’s got everything I need and it’s just the right size. Perfect.

13. Earplugs- they’re always good to have if you’re like my mum and need your sleep.

I’ll be at Parachute blogging during the weekend and taking photos, so look out for me. I’ll be the one with the pink nails on one hand and big black Doc Martens on.

Madeleine over and out.

By Madeleine Brighouse, 24 January 2012


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