New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Talent spotting

Fashion relies on newness. New talent is crucial to keep our fashion industry fresh and there’s apparently no shortage of it if the results of NZ Fashion Week’s ‘New Talent’ competition is anything to go by…

Fashion relies on the newness and what’s coming next. New talent is crucial to keep our fashion industry fresh and there’s apparently no shortage of it if the results of NZ Fashion Week’s ‘New Talent’ competition is anything to go by. Natasha Arul headed to Sales Street to check out the talent…

The media launch on Friday 16th July celebrated the new talent discovered through the NZFW New Talent competition run in conjunction with New Zealand Fashion Week’s 10th birthday.

The winners from the five categories – hairstylist, make-up artist, fashion stylist, female model and male model – were buzzing from coming together as a team to create and capture the photo shoot that will be the image to represent NZFW this year. The event offered us a few exclusive behind-the-scene photos of the photo shoot and allowed us to hear from the winners.

Ming Scott from Cathy Campbell Communications acknowledged that with reaching its 10th anniversary, the intention of NZFW was to increase public participation and by utilizing Facebook during the competition it achieved both finding new talent and allowing the public to get involved.

To Asrita Singh, the winner from the Make-up Artist category, (pictured above) winning has been awesome for opening doors. “With only a year and a half experience in the make-up world, doing a billboard has definitely fast forwarded my career. And the opportunity to work with Amber D, senior make-up artist from MAC, as a mentor has been awesome!”

Although Hunter Mcleod, male model winner has found this experience of networking hectic, the best part of it all for this small town boy from New Plymouth has been doing the shoot “seeing it all come together.”

Alison Lewis and Claire Laredo, both from Christchurch, are excited about being in Auckland and working with the best in the industry.

Although Alison Lewis, fashion stylist winner, has not had any previous experience in the fashion world, she knows her childhood adventures have been good training for the competitive fashion industry. “My experience of op-shopping and collaborating with my sisters in putting together outfits and creating photo shoots was something I really enjoyed.”

Claire Laredo, the female model winner, has been with Portfolio for three months and has found this new experience amazing and fun.

This is only the beginning for these winners and it will be exciting to watch them over this year’s fashion week working both behind the scenes and on the runway as they make their name in the industry.

Below: Will Seal and Emily Connolly.

Below: Julie Roulston and Paul Blomfield.

Story and photos by Natasha Aurl, 16 July 2010.


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