New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Blooming beautiful

To show off their beauty products, Garnier created the Garden of Garnier in Mt Eden today – complete with a floristry lesson from Sandra of Roses Florist – teaching beauty media how to create beautiful looks of the botanical kind…

To show off their beauty products, Garnier created the Garden of Garnier in Mt Eden today – complete with a floristry lesson from Sandra of Roses Florist – teaching beauty media how to create beautiful looks of the botanical kind.

Garnier took us through their latest releases; Pure Active ExfoBrusher for teens to exfoliate with microbristles, the popular Eye Roll-On now tinted with a concealor, and Nutrisse Radiant Blondes ammonia-free hair colour.

Various product groups were beautifully colour-matched to bouquets around the garden with colourful irises, cherry blossom and orchids.

Over divine fresh raw juices and fruit tarts, we then got a tutorial on creating five easy floral looks at home, and got to take home a vintage-style green glass bowl of freesias.

Sandr demonstrated the branches in a bowl, white poppies in a bowl, and an orchid stem in a tall vase.

Garnier priducts colour matched to bouquets.

By Megan Robinson, 3 September 2010.


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