New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Buck the trend

I was looking at the unopened box when a friend sidled up to me and spouted superlatives about how amazing the handcream was. Sea Buckthorn handcream is packaged in a metallic tube – this appeals to me much more than the plastic variety…

I was taken by Weleda’s new Sea Buckthorn handcream before I’d even tried it.

I was looking at the unopened box when a friend sidled up to me and spouted superlatives about how amazing the handcream was. I couldn’t wait to try it, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed.

Sea Buckthorn handcream is packaged in a metallic tube – this appeals to me much more than the plastic variety.

The first thing I noticed was the divine fragrance; fresh and almost citrusy smelling. This is due to the star ingredient, Sea Buckthorn Oil, extracted from the kernel of the golden red sea buckthorn berry.

The cream is light and absorbs rapidly, but still a very effective moisturizer. Weleda promises that it doesn’t leave an oily residue; I personally don’t like having greasy hands after moisturising, and this cream leaves your hands almost feeling powdery after use, not greasy at all.

Sea Buckthorn Cream ($20.90) definitely has a lot in its favour – it contains a unique combination of antioxidant vitamins A, C & E as well as essential fatty acids to regenerate and protect the skin. Weleda remains commited to producing products free of synthetic preservatives, fragrences, colours, mineral oils and emulsifying agents., and also supporting fair trade.

The sea buckthorn berries in this handcream have been cultivated biodynamically in Tuscany especially for Weleda. So as the weather in the southern hemisphere gets colder, get your hands on some of this cream and experience some Italian summer in a tube!

By Anna Sutcliffe, 19 April 2010.


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