New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Carla Oates of The Beauty Chef launches GLOW AGELESS for women 50+

Carla Oates of The Beauty Chef has launched GLOW AGELESS for women 50+, a bio-fermented wholefood powder which supports collagen production, nourishes the gut, supports energy & thyroid hormone production and bolsters bone health.

“In my late forties, I’m certainly noticing changes in my skin from its tone, to feeling dryer and a few more fine lines. To be honest though, the fine lines don’t worry me as much; I just want my skin to feel and look healthy, which is why I focus on my diet, lifestyle and taking my The Beauty Chef products daily.

“From an inner beauty perspective, I’ve started integrating our new Essential into my daily routine: GLOWAGELESS. Specifically formulated for those aged 50 plus, it’s a supernutrient probiotic beauty powder that promotes glowing skin, improved gut health, immunity, energy, bone health, hormonal health and general wellbeing. It has also been supercharged with our unique Flora Culture™ bio-fermentation process and contains our exclusive probiotic strain, GUT5Y™, which contributes to digestive wellbeing.”

Specifically formulated for women aged 50+, GLOW AGELESS

Key ingredients are iodine, magnesium, and vitamins C and D, to support skin, bone and thyroid hormonal health, with antioxidant-rich herbs including shatavari, pine bark, maca and grapeseed, as well as prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics to nurture digestive wellbeing.

  • $79 for 150g with a delicious berry flavour, it is available for purchase now from authorised stockists, skin centres and

22 September 2022