A must-see if you can get in past the very tight security is the invite-only Gucci VIP Lounge. In fact, it’s so high security that we couldn’t get in at first due to a visit by John Key. Perhaps they mistook our "killer heels" as too dangerous?!
Gucci VIP Lounge at Stella Artois Auckland Cup day
Ellerslie, Auckland
Wednesday 10 March 2010
On a stunningly beautiful Auckland day we were very pleased to find ourselves at Ellerslie for Stella Artois Auckland Cup day.
A must-see – if you can get in past the very tight security – is the sought after and invite-only Gucci VIP Lounge.
In fact, it’s so high security that we couldn’t get in at first due to a visit by John Key. Perhaps they mistook our "killer heels" as too dangerous?!
We all know how good Italians are at balcony scenes- just look at Juliet and her Romeo – so it was a foregone conclusion that the balcony at the Gucci Lounge was the place to cheer in your winning horse.
Below: For some, it’s a great place for champagne, others; to gossip, and others; to watch the horses.
The Balcony Seen: who was there?
Intro image above: Karen Turner and Rebecca Wilkinson.
Below: Caroline from Process Fashion PR and Rowena Robertson, owner of MAC and Jo Malone Chancery stores.
Below: Taylor Moore and Alfie Whittaker.
Below: Toni Street of TV1 Sport and Renee Wright of TV1 Weather.
Below: Atip Wananuruks has been short-haired and dreadless now for a month. He looks great.
Gucci Gucci Crew: Sarah Paykel PR extraordinaire, Helen Koo; Managing Director of Gucci Australia and NZ, Sally Poole; Gucci PR & Advertising Manager, and Susie McCallum from Gucci Australia.
Below, model behaviour: Amanda Bransgrove of Catwalk Studios (www.catwalkstudios.co.nz) modelling and fashion retail training agency. Amanda’s elegant LBD was designed by Sue Howard of Shoshamma at 33 Chancery.
Read more about Stella Artois Cup day here for pictures of the TV couple that won best-dressed, see what people were wearing around the race course, and what was hot – and not – in race day fashion.
See who was in the Gucci Lounge last Saturday on Telecom Derby Day.
Story and photos by Megan Robinson, 10 March 2010.
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