New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Scene at the Polo

Celebrities, TV actors, fashion-followers and general scenesters all got their glam on (racewear-sans-hats, typically) on for the BMW Polo down at Clevedon on Sunday 19th February. Here are the photos so you can check out what they wore…

Celebrities, TV actors, fashion-followers and general scenesters all got their glam on (racewear-sans-hats, typically) on for the BMW Polo down at Clevedon on Sunday 19th February.

Here are the photos so you can check out what they wore…

Left: Rachel Hunter. Below: Aja Rock

Anna Fitzpatrick and Sophia Nash

Anna Coe

Simon Bird, Kathryn Wilson and Nick Garrett.

Rickie Dee and Louisa Penney.

Sarah Hewitt.

Samantha Shorter.

Rachael Bailey and Dan Gosling.

Ange Merrie, Tatum Savage and Ngahuia Williams.

Bridgette White and Jo Hunkin

Brooke Dobson

Megan Robinson
23 February 2012.


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