Outfit Post: navy cape I sewed, Highnoontea Jumpsuit
Read more: Outfit Post: navy cape I sewed, Highnoontea JumpsuitIn this outfit post I feature something old (me. Joking, my shoes), something new (sunglasses), something borrowed (the husband’s camera) and something blue (navy cape). As I’ve been to the hairdressers today I thought I’d do an outfit post while I still had nice hair. The importance of Nice Hair in ‘what I wore’ posts…
Loxy’s Hair Boutique VIP opening party
Read more: Loxy’s Hair Boutique VIP opening partyLoxy’s Hair Boutique celebrated their move to a large space in Ponsonby Road at a VIP opening party on Tuesday 1 July with Seleni Wines, Famous Vodka, Andrea Moore, Carena West Swim and Revitalash, and Lauren Matthews catering. New Salon Kate Jarrett Director and owner of Loxy’s Hair Boutique said, “We’re super excited to have…