Handmade in New Zealand: Noeline Mavis
Read more: Handmade in New Zealand: Noeline MavisThe designer Sharon Evans tells us about her label, Noeline Mavis, which creates handmade leather baby ballet shoes, feather cushions, and wool capes for women and children… Inspired by my late Mother’s ability to create garments of such exquisite quality one should be able to wear them inside out; this was Noeline Mavis. A very wise…
Outfit Post: navy cape I sewed, Highnoontea Jumpsuit
Read more: Outfit Post: navy cape I sewed, Highnoontea JumpsuitIn this outfit post I feature something old (me. Joking, my shoes), something new (sunglasses), something borrowed (the husband’s camera) and something blue (navy cape). As I’ve been to the hairdressers today I thought I’d do an outfit post while I still had nice hair. The importance of Nice Hair in ‘what I wore’ posts…
LUSH skincare for Mum (and you)
Read more: LUSH skincare for Mum (and you)Nice as giving a wrapped gift is, there’s something special about giving time. Namely, taking time to accompany your mother for a meal, doing her favourite sport together, looking through old photo albums, or a shared beauty treatment. As part of the LUSH bloggers media mother’s day event, I got the chance to do just…