Melanoma Awareness Week starts today; here are the NZ stats
Read more: Melanoma Awareness Week starts today; here are the NZ statsMelanoma Awareness Week starts today; and as a melanoma survivor myself, I want to share the New Zealand stats in the hope of preventing more causes of this mainly preventable and often treatable disease. I got this info today on an email about melanoma week and hope readers find it helpful. (Read my own story of…
I had a Molemap and found I had melanoma
Read more: I had a Molemap and found I had melanomaI had a routine molecheck last month and found I had melanoma, and think you should get checked, too. I want to share my story so that will encourage others to get their skin checked out as New Zealand and Australia have very high skin cancer rates. Routine checkup It all started when on 1st…