We’re loving: New Zealand label Désirée
Read more: We’re loving: New Zealand label DésiréeWe’re loving: New Zealand fashion label Désirée, and you will love Desiree Turner’s chic yet wearable designs, too… Introducing Désirée Désirée, the New Zealand label eponymous with her motto ‘comfortablychic’, has released the new Autumn/Winter 2017 collection entitled ‘Gaijin’. Inspired by a trip to Japan last year, designer Desiree Turner was amazed to find a…
Model photo shoot: faces at RPD Models by Annupam Photography
Read more: Model photo shoot: faces at RPD Models by Annupam PhotographyModel photo shoot: faces at RPD Models by Annupam Photography, photographed live at Smith Studios; a mid-sized photography and film studio in My Eden – Kingsland, run by Robin Smith. Readers of Threadnz will be very familiar with the work of Annupam, an Auckland-based fashion, portrait and events photographer with a keen eye for style.…
Model Casting at NZ Fashion Week 2015
Read more: Model Casting at NZ Fashion Week 2015So, how do models get chosen to walk in shows? If you’re a model aspiring to walk in New Zealand fashion week, your agency will attend the model casting about 3 weeks prior to NZ Fashion Week and designers can choose models to suit their individual shows as the men and women walk in front…