Pead PR’s Deborah Pead on working with bloggers
Read more: Pead PR’s Deborah Pead on working with bloggersI received this and thought you’d find it interesting if you’re into blogging and PR: Pead PR’s Deborah Pead commenting on the latest IPREX Blogbarometer international survey which reports bloggers globally welcome more contact by PR agencies. Pead PR has an active blogger engagement programme, Ms Pead says. “Our blogger databases could expand on a…
Men Exchange at Number One Shoes launch
Read more: Men Exchange at Number One Shoes launchWhat would you think of if you were invited to a Men Exchange? The mind boggles. The ‘Men Exchange’ I attended this week, though, was of an entirely fashionable nature. It saw fashion media swapping old shoes for new leather men’s shoes, at the Number One Shoes leather styles launch. The event at Starseed PR…