The launch of Alexandra’s new take on the “Little Black Dress” last Thursday 2nd December in Wellington got me excited. Girls know the importance of this staple and in Wellington’s sea of black it is surely de rigour…
The launch of Alexandra’s new take on the “Little Black Dress” last Thursday 2nd December in Wellington got me excited.
Girls know the importance of this staple and in Wellington’s sea of black it is surely de rigour (Wellingtonians – this is no reflection on your dress sense, I love black too). So with confidence and delicious anticipation, I stepped out to eat, drink and be merry at the launch of the range.
It’s hard to pay attention to clothes (did I really just say that? Sacrilege!) when an amazing violinist called Elena is performing amongst guests, food tickles your taste buds by French chef Laurent Loudeac, and there are live models in the display case, twitching and flexing in various frozen poses. Those models provided hours of entertainment according to one onlooker, but as I couldn’t finger the dresses I popped back in the next morning to cast my eye over what we girls should be stashing in our wardrobes.
These are classic Alexandra Owen style designer dresses by one of our best fashion inspirations in NZ, so they don’t come cheap, but please don’t be put off. In fact they are priced at about half the price point of her usual line. A little black dress is a must for any woman, a classic for years to come and the sort of outfit you can dress in many different ways for many different events, so it’s a quality investment.
Her little black dress line includes variations on the Ripple and Love dresses, long or short sleeved versions and lengths. They also come in other colours if black really isn’t your thing.
Hair was by Michael Beel for GHD and makeup by Caitlin for MAC.
I have to confess I couldn’t afford any Christmas presents this year if I bought it but that could be considered just about worth it for the luxury of black shimmering on skin. But as I need to stay on Santa’s good list this year I encourage you all out there to consider being naughty and splash out on a Little Black Dress at Alexandra Owen Boutique, 253 Wakefield St, Wellington.
Aucklanders can get their share of black at her store in their hometown, at 62 Ponsonby Rd, Ponsonby.
By Sally Christie, 2 December 2010
Photos by Amanda Jasmine
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