Very occasionally I actually say something that could be construed as clever – but not often. I was mentioning to The Husband that I had noticed that since the recession the fashion industry had changed as well as the economy…
Being married to extremely smart man can be a little intimating at times. I am the visual one, and he the more cerebral. Our worlds rarely collide; fashion and banking aren’t often good bedmates.
Very occasionally I actually say something that could be construed as clever – but not often. I was mentioning to The Husband that I had noticed that since the recession the fashion industry had changed as well as the economy.
One of the things I had noticed was that there seemed to be a return to classic, nostalgic brands. Brands we have known for a long time where either simply re-releasing items that we knew well, or working with others to produce colab collections.
It seems I am not the only person to have noticed this. My Husband sent me a piece of research, which details this phenomenon without giving it a specific name. The back to basics principal I call it.
A perfect example is the colaboration between Converse and Marimekko. This is the second season they have done this and if you want to see them in NZ head for the nearest RUBY boutique. They are due in November and will be retailing around the $160 mark. Our favourite is the patchwork Kaleidoskooppi.
The most obvious ‘back to basics’ brand is of course Doc Marten’s. There is a very obvious reason why this brand resonates during a time of belt tightening. The classic nature of the brand, its hardwearing nature and mostly its comfort. It is a brand that is ‘fit for purpose;’ you get to look stylish, you get durability and you get to be comfortable. The brand hasn’t lasted this long just because it looks great alone.
We were excited to see the new incarnations of the DM boots at the Salasai show for FW2012 this year with the traditional boot alongside coloured shoes gracing the catwalk. Roll on winter…
But I digress.
This summer there are all those little brogues around in stores, and for the girl who wants a bit more ‘kick’ there is the DM Classic Brogue, which can be worn with the slim fit ankle length pant, and even cute little summer dresses.
There is also the ‘brothel creeper’ as they are known – which was used again by Salasai last winter.
I have fond memories of the DM 3 eye 1461 shoe that was standard footwear in Wellington in the 80s. Again – there are solid reasons these shoes have stood the test of time. If only I hadn’t worn mine literally into the ground. I think it took nearly 6 years to do that…
We have featured the Palladium desert boot on and they again are a perfect example of nostalgic brands having a renaissance. Another is the VANS brand. The classic Checkerboard sneaker can be worn with everything from short and jeans through to tuxedos (we know of several that have been worn to Balls – and we think some may even have been worn to weddings).
We are very partial to both the Classic Old Skool and the Canvas Authentics.
The Classics, because they are just that, and the Authentics for their gorgeous colour-blocking brightness. Great with a pretty 50’s inspired dress, and snug Audrey Hepburn inspired ankle-grazing pants.
Maybe the recession has been better for us than we realise with all these great classics to keep us company.
By Anya Brighouse
23 October 2011
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