You spent a lot of time and money putting together your wardrobe. Make your clothes last longer and look better with these helpful clothing care tips…
You spent a lot of time and money putting together your wardrobe. Make your clothes last longer and look better with these helpful clothing care tips…
1. Don’t wash your clothes too frequently. Over-washing lessens (some say halves) the life of your clothes.
2. Put black clothes through with a black dye (eg dylon or similar, available at supermarkets) once a year in your washing machine. It refreshes the deep darkness of blacks.
3. Go through your entire wardrobe each season to look for damage, repairs, missing buttons, moths, and so on and put them in a pile to mend and repair.
4. Get lipstick stains and food marks off without expensive drycleaning with Sard wonder soap. I came to this discovery quite late in life and it is a godsend. Just got some lipstick off my Trelise silk top yesterday using it. Win.
5. Ironing tips: press black clothes inside out to avoid a sheen. Check the iron is on the correct setting so you don’t burn your delicates. Use boiled and cooled (i.e. distilled) water in your iron to avoid deposits buildup. Hang up clothes immediately after ironing so they don’t get crushed and ruin the fruits of your hard work.
Pictured: The new Panasonic NI-W950A iron in black (of course) which has multi directional vents so heats the fabric no matter which way you move it. Up until now, irons only operated FORWARDS but this smooth operator goes in all directions so you half the time spent ironing. Genius.
Words and photos, Megan Robinson
26 June 2013
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