You have to tie me down to not buy heels. I love the feel, and the look, not to mention, at being a mere five-foot-four, the added height. However, heels just don’t cut the footwear mustard during pregnancy…
You have to tie me down to not buy heels. I love the feel, and the look, not to mention, at being a mere five-foot-four, the added height.
However, heels just don’t cut the footwear mustard during pregnancy. Not only are you more ungainly – okay, clumsy – but it’s just not good for your back and joints.
I had these Ziera gladiator sandals in summer and just lived in them. No back pain for me.
In fact, I credit not having hip and joint pain in pregnancy with seeing a good physio at Re:ab early on for tips and advice, one of which was wearing proper shoes that give support and not wearing heels. They also recommended I get out of cars with my feet together, I sleep on my side with my knees around a cushion, and that I never cross my legs- a habit of a lifetime which was incredibly hard to break.
Below: my Ziera sandals
So obviously it’s Autumn and after daylight savings open-toed shoes don’t work well. But it’s not quite knee-high boots weather, either. So I need something in between. Plus, it needs to be physio-approved!
I found it at Ziera.
I got these sleek, front-slit low-heeled Ventura booties ($249.99) that I can wear with pants or tights.
Below: me wearing my boots.
By Megan Robinson, 8 April 2011.
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