New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Get lucky

Brown paper packages stuffed full of bling, these are a few of my favourite things. Donated goods from Karen Walker, Ruby, Cybele, Lonely Hearts, and Zambesi to name but a few up for grabs at the Breast Cancer Research Trust Lucky Dip…

The Breast Cancer Research Trust Lucky Dip fundraiser looked like a promising way to alleviate my guilt re. Christmas shopping (or lack thereof) so armed with my invite and plastic fantastic, this little girl went to the city.

Sun streamed into the Vero Pavillion courtyard heralding the eve of the silly season. Positivity beamed across the cosy crowd as did the message that it’s fashionable to raise funds for the 1 in 9 women who will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

The event was hosted by Carol Hirschfeld who looked absolutely ravishing in royal blue. Absolutely fabulous. Looks like life as head of programming at Maori Television agrees with her.

Santa’s little helpers held his Santa Sacks full of numbered tickets; whatever you get would be worth at least twice what you paid for it. ‘

It was like Willy Wonka meets Father Christmas on Fashion Avenue for surprising Christmas treats.

Spotted: Jacqui Brown looks like she’s put down the diaries and picked up motherhood (soon to be). Glowing, and gorgeous. Doesn’t look like she’s gained a pound in this stalker shot! Some girls have all the luck.

Brown paper packages stuffed full of bling, these are a few of my favourite things. Donated goods from Karen Walker, Ruby, Cybele, Lonely Hearts, and Zambesi to name but a few – not to mention the pink diamond up for grabs.

Below: my swag bag of goodies that I donated $150 for towards BCRT. Despite numerous advances made upon my frangipani, I was dumbfounded by my golden flower. Embarrassed by my artistic ignorance, I googled sculptor Jim Wheeler while waiting for more bubbly to learn he was previously commissioned to design Olympic medals amongst other things. Golly.

Apparently #45 of only 45 made, dipped in 24 carat gold and worth at least $500. Something tells me this treat might not be one that finds its way to another’s stocking any time soon. I might not speak art, but the language of ‘limited edition’ resonates well with this fashionista.

Story and photos by Katy Thomas, 30 November 2010.


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