New Zealand fashion and lifestyle blog

Make your own vintage tie corsage

Make your own corsage using a vintage men’s necktie and an assortment of buttons and haberdashery you have lying around and pin it onto your tops and coats for an original accessory you made yourself…

Make your own corsage using a vintage men’s necktie and an assortment of buttons and haberdashery you have lying around and pin it onto your tops and coats for an original accessory you made yourself…

Make your own vintage tie corsage instructions. You will need:

An old necktie. I got my Parisian NZ tie from an op shop, but also check out school and church fairs, and your Grandad may have excellent ones.
Haberdashery scraps and buttons.
Needle and thread.
A safety pin or brooch pin.

Holding the wide end of the necktie in your left hand, measure off about 12cms from the tip and this is your starting point to begin folding the ‘petals’. Make about 7 loops to form a rosette or flower with your right hand while holding everything together in your left. Leave 10cms of the narrow end loose at the end, or furl it into a rose centre if you prefer. Secure tightly with matching thread by hand-stitching at centre.

Note: Don’t worry about anything being ‘even’ and tidy as the messy look is more charming.

Now embellish. With the needle and thread still on the rosette, simply stitch on a vairety of buttons, beads, and broken jewellery. Again, don’t worry about making it too tidy. Push the needle to the back and stitch on a safety pin or brooch back to attach to your tops and coats.

Et voila! Your completed vintage tie brooch.

Megan Robinson
22 July 2013


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